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Selubir is a small, temperate planet in the Seanan System that is home to a few smaller human colonies. It has two moons, Hurley and Carter, and was first discovered in 863 A.E. by a Scatterhome faction scout from Solace named Amity Waymire.

Seanan Station provides a shuttle service to Zephyr, an independent frontier settlement in the lee of the Coriolis Mountains, near the shores of Lake Eotvos. Despite its distance from major factions, Zephyr hosts enough food, shelter and services for its citizens to support the population without starvation or homelessness, through paddlefish fishing, flitwing and lapine hunting, broncayo ranching, xaocoren, allion and rustweed farming. Initial colonization efforts featured self-sustaining drones, though the unreliable tech has proved to be more of an obstacle than a renewable resource.

Though Seanan does not have a governmental system, some public servants do exist - Dimitry Laurence serves the settlement as a sheriff (and doctor).