The Vurboks

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The Vurboks
Background Information
Origin: Hororeon
Faction Affiliation:  Song Dominion
Genre: Starcore
Band Members:  Ferloc Tarke (Electric Guitar/Vocals)
Woga Woga (Bass Guitar/Vocals)
Saash Flash (Kithdrums)
Palot Jal (Electric Cello)
Eilo Ursua (Voidpipes)


The Vurboks are a Ry'nari starcore band mainly hailing from Hororeon. Their thrashy, loud style and violent lyrics take precedent over melody in their music, as is to be expected with a group of Ry'nari who cannot technically hear pitch. Nonetheless, under the cacophony of screaming, the band play skilled and technical music, which is enjoyed throughout the sector. Essentially a four-piece band, The Vurboks heard one fan's acoustic covers of their songs and invited her to join them on tour, and now Eilo Ursua is a regular guest member of the group.

Band Members

Ferloc Tarke

Male - Ry'nari
Ferloc Tarke is the frontman of The Vurboks. Though nearly all of his music is of the head-thrashing, screaming variety, he has stated to reporters that he is planning on releasing an acoustic album soon. Despite the violent subject matter in many of his lyrics, he is a teetotaler and a vegan.

Woga Woga

Female - Ry'nari
Woga Woga is a popular, polarizing figure in gossip clogs thanks to her whacky, primal antics. Roaring in reporter's faces, eating raw meat in the middle of interviews, refusing to wear a shirt, and destroying public property are only a few of the outlandish things she is known for. She was once arrested for bathing in W'hoorn blood in the middle of a concert on Benu Wen, causing The Vurboks to be exiled from all Celestine Ascendancy territories.

Saash Flash

Female - Ry'nari
Saash Flash is laid-back compared to many of her other band mates, save when she is performing, where she is famous for her violent, intense thrashing of the kithdrums. She has said to reporters that her idea of a good time is a beach vacation.

Palot Jal

Male - [{Ry'nari]]
Palot Jal is thought by musical critics to be the thread of accessibility that flows through a very polarizing group - his skillful cello playing keeping his band's music both accessible, unique, and fresh. Following the exile and arrest of most of his tribe by the Lord Commander of the Song Dominion, he became extremely reclusive, and refuses to talk to reporters.

Eilo Ursua

Female - Ry'nari
Once a solitary grain farmer on Hororeon, Eilo Ursua rocketed into the public eye when her amateur, acoustic covers of popular Vurboks hits went viral on the commsphere. She became so popular, in fact, that Ferloc Tarke extended an invitation to go on tour with the band.


Spaceman Swing
Jungle Flowers
Silkmoth Chysalis
Drone On OKAY
Fate's Engineer

Other Media

The Vurboks have a range of merchandise available, often spotted on the disaffected Ry'nari youth around the Dominion's major cities, and further afield. Some examples are below:

This simple holoposter says THE VURBOKS!!! in big, bright red letters at the top. Below the band name there is a moving image of a Vurbok riding on a much too tiny hoverscooter, trailed by a pack of compy cheerfully playing various musical instruments.

This is an illustrated graphic, clearly for printing onto merchandise. Towards the bottom of a dark green background 'THE VURBOKS' is written in a bold white font. Above the band name is a graphic of a pack of cartoon compy, climbing on top of each other and attempting to operate a B.E.A.S.T suit that looks like a mechanical Vurbok.