Zahratun tree

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A large evergreen tree originally native to the warmer regions of Kovalar, the zahratun tree grows tall and fat, offering a great deal of shade with its broad branches of green foliage. When flowering, its pink zahrablossoms speckle its eaves with eye-catching plumes of color and a pleasant aroma. Zahratun wood is soft and pale, striated with whorls of powder gray and pale golden brown that make it an attractive material for decorative purposes. The thin white bark of the zahratun tree is wiry and crisp, the material surprisingly sturdy and flexible despite its delicate appearance thanks to the hairlike fibers which make up its base layer. More like skin than most trees, this bark serves to insulate the tree's core and secure moisture from the roots so that it doesn't escape before reaching the canopy.

This thin epidermal and fibrous subdermal layer makes the zahratun tree an ideal host for the mycological parasites such as gijola fungus and ahoja, which are able to safely colonize patches of its exterior for months before causing significant damage to the host tree.