
Revision as of 18:56, 27 July 2016 by Nicholas (talk | contribs) (Nusriza Update)
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The Quickening is a juvenile stage in the life cycle of Nusrizans. When juvenile Nusriza reach approximately 15 Galactic years in age they enter a state of extreme sexual aggression where they forcibly mate with any other juvenile they come across. However, the juveniles are not yet fertile. The excessive copulation put the juveniles in nutrient deprived state in which they crave the meat of a specific creature called the algerion. The enzymes within its meat cause certain physiological changes which transform them into functioning adults. However, there are some that do not respond to the enzymes and are left alternating between their hypererotic state and utter exhaustion. Such individual soon break down and die if they are not given care.