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Latest revision as of 19:17, 18 October 2022

Nesa Drukula (then known as Nesa Rihat) was the last Rihat owner of the Rapa'rak estate in the village of Uryet, in the Golpur region of Krona homeworld Gunurash III.

Nesa was renowned in the village for being a kind but formidable eccentric, but his strong moral compass and approachability made him popular with the people of Uryet, in fact he even opened most of the pyramid-like Hall for public use as a museum and meeting place for community matters. So, in 616 A.E. when it seemed a shadow had fallen over him, and that this hub of the Uryet community was under legal contest by the rival arm of the Rihat family based in Shulyet, the people became more than a little concerned. They banded together to hire one of Agog's most brilliant legal minds to come up with a solution before Nesa's family and the wider community were to suffer.

After months of court appearances and lengthy meetings, Nesa made a change that was to alter the village of Uryet for good, and which would prove to settle the argument once and for all: he officially emancipated himself and his family from any ties to the Rihat name. He ensured that his will was watertight and it was legally mandated that the deeds to Rapa'ruk Hall and its surrounding land was never to belong to anyone bearing the Rihat name again. He sold much of the surrounding land to the government, and the livestock to local independent farmers, removing himself from all ties to his quarrelsome relatives.

He died at the age of 413 in 893 A.E. still loved by the people of Uryet and surrounded by his family. Rapa'rak Hall itself now belongs to his son, Nizu Drukula.