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Used by belaul hunters as a long-lived source of fat and protein, hoctucc is prepared after a length of hocavi fat has been at least partially drained of oil. The soft white fat is scored and salted while still remaining attached to the hide, sometimes stuffed with herbs, berries or sauces, and either kept solid at easily-accessible freezing temperatures.

Other styles advance that traditional method of preparation, including rolling the fat in flour and crisping the sides, pressing it down into more easily-storable patties, or being laid out on a hot stone skin-side down and fried until the fat softens, and then using the wet fat as a rich base for a stew or soup.

Other varieties of hoctucc exist in belaul culture, such as pinniluna fat pinnitucc. Zhutucc has made an appearance amongst the Twice-Departed, though the trend has not caught on across the wider sector.