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A vulnerable groundcover plant native to Paperweight, the arrine is a form of clover that was once found in sparse woodlands but has since become almost impossible to find outside of the Belaul settlements such as Yr'sh'eya that grow them as food crops. Sprouting from a colony of small bulbs, arrine fields put down a long network of thin white roots that make them difficult to completely eradicate once established, before growing long tendrils of meaty green leaves that reach horizontally as far as the plant is able to spread them.

When flowering, the arrine bulb will grow spears of cerise-colored flowers, who disperse pollen onto gentle winds or passing animals in the hopes that they will find its way to any one of several reproductive nodes along the leaf stems. Once pollinated, the node will form a new bulb, setting down new roots and spreading new growth further than its parent could reach.

Arrine is used for its soft and tender leaves, which are valued for their sweet and herbaceous flavor.