Fort Ixsei

Revision as of 05:38, 14 January 2021 by Damiel (talk | contribs)

Fort Ixsei is a Selassian military base located on the planet Nadru, in the Selassian Dynasty subsector. Nadru is a dry, arid planet that is, for the most part, uninhabited. Nadru's crust is over 90% cobalt. This high concentration of the blue mineral has served to make the deserts a vivid shade of blue. The Zai T'in, a small, independant mercenary group (mostly Krona), has been hired by an unknown party and has made a small outpost in a cave near the military base. Their goal is to reconnoiter the Selassian presence on Nadru and make small, pointed attacks against the military force. The deserts are filled with squat, slow-moving arthropods whose exoskeletons are partially grown from the quartz rock formations in the area.