
An endangered carnivorous plant native to the Saksar Jungles of Hororeon, the snapjaw grows in dense thickets in poor soils, using its bladed leaves to ward large animals away from its specialized flowers. Each flower consists of a twin pair of spires; each spire is a tall and vibrantly colored, with a smooth flat on one side, and two rows of needle-sharp fangs on the other, which locks neatly into place when both spires meet. Inside the rows of teeth, the flower secretes sticky and aromatic nectar to draw prey into its jaws, and this nectar tends to become less concentrated (and more watery) when the plant has not fed in some time. If an animal climbs into its jaws to feast on the nectar, it snaps shut with some force killing or trapping the hapless victim and remaining shut until it has been dissolved.

The combination of this seeming 'salivation', the apparent fangs, and the plant's carnivorous diet gave rise to a variety of traditions and trends throughout history that have seen the plant reduced in number sufficiently as to be considered critically endangered.

Players Syzygy and Lord Commander Picram were the first to discover what may be the last remaining snapjaw thicket in recent memory.