SM-SKR-03: “Rust”

Author: Kass

The Creature

An all consuming phenomena that overtakes the host in 3 brutal stages.

The Tale

"Hey, It's Kass,

I found what seems to be a confidential file while I was installing a backdoor on a facility that my old family company, Engram, was contracted to build, I don't know what all of this could mean but it could be something dangerous. Word needs to get out.

I'm going to see if I can't dig up more files from this facility while I'm here."

[Begin File Transmission] The source of this phenomena is fundamentally unknown to the public, However investigators have theorised that a small meteor crash site 5 kilometers outside city walls may be the initial source point, however the bodies of victims will also carry the source. Sources recount seeing a frozen figure deep within the Saksar Jungle, of a rusted orange hue. It is believed that there are multiple figures of this type, with most figures resembling a Ry’nari individual, however some have been seen to be of other beings Including a teacup holding humanoid individual. It is highly advised that if you encounter such a figure that you leave the area and seek medical attention immediately.

Untreated individuals that have been exposed to the source of the phenomena typically die within three to five days of exposure. Cases are rare, but rarer still are those exposed that survive. Going outside of city walls without adequate preparation is deadly for many reasons but [REDACTED] staff insist on at least venturing out with a thick layer of underclothing for protection.

Individuals exposed progress through three stages of infection; Symptoms, Treatment windows and techniques are as follows.

Stage 1 - Between 0-36 hours of exposure: Subject may experience joint pain, numbness or pain in extremities, growths in leg muscles or lower arms. Growths resemble crystalline mineral deposits and break through skin and scale with extreme pain. A foreign material similar to these crystalline growths found in blood. Subject must have all growths excised immediately, and go on a program of dialysis to remove hemo-contaminant. Subject will relapse without appropriate detox.

Stage 2 - 36-72 hours of exposure: Subject will experience gradual to total loss of motor function as cartilage in joints starting from extremities vitrifies. Growths begin consuming neighboring flesh and form crystalline structures that begin to cover the Subject’s arms and legs with most progress at the point of initial exposure. All limbs that start to crystallize are to be considered contaminated and amputation is the only option to attempt to save the Subject’s life. Dialysis and disposal of Subject’s extracted blood from this process is MANDATORY.

Stage 3 - 72 hours and beyond: Subject undergoes gradual organ failure as internal organs crystalize and cardiovascular system begins to restrict due to growths along arterial walls. Intense pain floods the subjects central nervous system as their brain completely crystallizes, resulting in the death of the subject. Early hours of this stage are the last possible opportunity to perform extreme treatments or extract data for cloning. The only option beyond is mercy killing.

The subject will continue to become consumed by crystals until there is nothing organic left. Do not handle the corpse until this process is complete.

There have been reports of gemstones and jewellery that have been made from the victims of this process that circulate the black market, if you come across any gems of an unnaturally orange rusty colour, alert [REDACTED] immediately and do not handle with bare scale.

[End File Transmission]