Handbook for the Recently Departed

Written in the ancient Jin language of 'Makroxian Phonemic', the Handbook for the Recently Departed is an incredibly valuable living record of the memories, values and governance of the Departed Jin, containing the final traces of information available about their homeworld Idremia in the Ijzala System.

It contains a great number of references to pieces of language that are difficult to translate, as they are cultural names and notions.

OOC Note - Despite being a rich and wonderful trove of lore, this book is also full of impossible inconsistencies and factual incongruencies. If followed correctly, the author is somewhere in the vicinity of 200 years old, despite the Jin having a natural lifespan of ~100 years (though they are often politely killed before passing of old age), a feat impossible without cloning, INR, wetwiring or rejuv technologies they did not possess. We would also need to believe that he only recorded 16 diary entries in 150~ years of blind interstellar wandering.

Title Page

                        ~* Handbook for the Recently Departed *~
                        -A compact guide for space-dwelling Jin-
  Owner:      A'Kwah-Zhe Runok Shuan
  Occupation: Chief Engineer
  Residence:  Huo'zha
                                  Huo'wo du A'Kwah-Zhe
                                Av ex'vach e'r in'vach,
                               Av ex'athar e'r in'athar,
                                Em xuon, zha e'r arehi,
             z'k es-aek, huo'zha e'r li'gon ir-voth'a e'r exvoth'a ta-tek.
                         A'Kwahjah, du Jin'zha, xum l'ik'arehia
                                   L'huo'muo du Voth.
                                 The Soulhunters' Oath
                                 In ice and hostility,
                                  in fire and passion,
                            with blood, strength and honor,
                      may starlight, discipline and sacred memory
                              our souls and bodies build.
                 By the Kwajah, for Jin kind, until my honorable death
             my protection is dedicated to the collective soul of the Jin.
I - An Introduction by Kwajah of The Departed Fosa Shaok, Oss. Kiv.
E - Values
A - Our Homeworld
Z - Why we left
O - The Fleet of the Departed
Y - Emergency Procedures
B - Journal Pages

Section I: An Introduction by Kwajah of The Departed Fosa Shaok, Oss. Kiv.

  Whilst the outset of this voyage is new, unknown and often seemingly insurmountable to
  the surviving Jin race on this sunny but fresh wane day on the -in of Fra'axi in the year
  X----'-x'-x'o--'---- [MST: GSN 149974], but as I write this preface I consider the
  generations of Jin who may yet be born aboard one of our worldships, and who may well live
  and die without ever feeling or breathing the fragrant air of Idremia. I think of the
  lives that will be lived without ever standing on the fertile soil of Jux Ganroth. The
  skin that will feel but will never let the the warm, clear violet tides of the Aes'aeki
  Oth wash over the feet it contains. I grieve for the eyes of those who will never raise
  their faces to the sky as I do now, Lulini rising in the evening just in time to see our
  sun, Ijzala, sink below the horizon leaving glinting colors like a sweet memory across the
  waves and the sky for the stars to collect.
  To many people reading this address, these things will be eternally alien, though these
  things belong to their souls. These things are the fabric of their very souls, indeed.
  However, magnificent as our home planet is, and as dearly we hold it in our Selves and all
  that we are, we must keep close in our minds the devastation that has befallen it in the
  dark days and years that have formed this path for our kind; events that have worked to
  light our shared soul's protection aflame and forced us to embark on a quest for our
  collective healing. A departure informed by the forced deaths of over 355 million Jin,
  whose ascension may stain our deatheyes indelibly and whose honor will stand in our hearts
  and serve T'rath for ever more.
  It does not serve well to ruminate on the past, for nostalgia is a dangerous fiction. We
  must hold it as a tower holds its foundation.
  It does not serve well to fear the future, or to fear death, for it will happen regardless.
  We must glance up at it from our present and use it only to steer our course now.
  Our exodus is one chapter written in the infinite page ahead, but we must keep ourselves
  focused and able to write the current line in order that the rest may follow.
  Our story is by no means finished, Voth-kin.
  The voyage that lies ahead is life-haul, and no doubt fraught with challenges and
  setbacks, scattered with hope and joy and glorious change. We must live with courage and
  respect for our kin so that our ancestors may keep living, and so our descendants may one
  day let a new ocean lap at their feet while a new sun warms their deatheye and a new air
  fills their lungs.
  We must, and we will, continue to write our lives in honor of T'rath, for our race
  eternally and for the existence of our precious and unique Voth itself.
  May our minds, bodies and souls be always nurtured, trained and informed to best serve
  the bigger tale of our kind.
  Onwards, in honor.
  Live well, to die well for T'rath.
  Kwajah of The Departed Fosa Shaok, Oss. Kiv.
  (These final words were written and spoken aloud at the Badir'zhe of the A'Kwah-zhe -
  Sovereign State of Mimkazex, Gir Makrox, Idremia, The Ijzala System)
  Date: -in Fra'axi, X----'-x'-x'o--'----
  Kwajah of The Departed Fosa Shaok, Oss. Kiv.

Section E: Values

  -      No single Jin is more important than the whole.
  --     The responsibility to maintain balance in community, self and ecosystem is imperative
      for our race's survival.
  ---    We will greet potential new allies with strength, honor and respect.
  --o    We will treat new environments with humility, curiosity and respect.
  -o     We will meet new experiences with determination, confidence and respect.
  o      Any developments that may affect the entire Jin race will be submitted to
         the board and presented at the regular quincyclical Command meeting on Voth-A'Kwah.
  o-     At the Kwajah's decree, every individual must observe T'rathi principles, and must
         refine and nurture their body by attending their timetabled Ir-vothiam sessions at
         their section's janma.
  o--    Every individual must also attend weekly in-o'a meetings with an Ossuary or Kivatha
         to maintain the health and wellbeing of their mind and soul.
  o---   You will receive cyclical updates on your PHR (Protection Hierarchy Ranking). This
         is the mathematically generated figure that denotes your necessity within our
         society, and therefore determines the priority for the protection you may be entitled
         to in cases of critical emergency.
  -x     We will respect all memories with respect and without prejudice, excepting one. The
         memory of the GodKing's true name will never be documented or spoken again. To
         memorialize such an abomination is heresy and any individuals found to be doing so
         will face Ik'shareh and disposal as a consequence. He does not deserve
         acknowledgement in our story.

Section A: Idremia - Our Home

  Our homeworld is a planet named Idremia in the system of Izjala. Some refer to the whole star system of Ijzala as home, but the Jin people originate from Idremia itself. Below is a profile of our home.
  System:        Ijzala
  Star:          Ijzala
  Noteworthy bodies (in order of orbit around Ijzala):
  Idremia (Capital planet of the Jin)
  Planet:        Idremia
  Population:    2.5b (Prior to Ishvana genocide)
  Notable locations:
  Mimkazex (Capital and sovereign state)
  Gir Makrox (the northern hemisphere)
  Jux Ganroth (the southern hemisphere)
  Main Ports:
  Chokux T'Aes (orbital)
  Chokux T'Oth (oceanic)
  Primary Race:  Jin
  Tilted towards Ijzala, meaning that Gir Makrox is usually hot, with deserts and humid jungles, while Jux Ganroth ranges from temperate through to tundra. Therefore there are many cultures of Jin.
  Lulini, Lamex - Lulini rises before Ijzala sets, said to be a woman in love with Ijzala, who chases the brightness of the sun from dusk til' dawn each night, never to catch her beloved. Lamex orbits closer to the planet, going
  around almost exactly twice in the same time it takes Lulini. He is said to be in love with Lulini, following in her wake, and they lie side by side on the horizon most mornings for 1-3 hours before dawn, as she accepts that she
  will not catch Ijzala and they sink below the horizon together leaving the heavens entirely dark in the period of night known as 'Khin-ihm' - The quiet dark.
  Neighboring planets/races:
  The closest planet to Idremia is Rane, a rocky planet slightly larger than Ijzala, with a similar atmosphere and a lot of archaeological interest, due to the presence of incredibly ancient evidence of sentient life. The Jin
  started to inhabit and mine Rane upon first developing spaceflight, but much of it (at the time of departure) was protected due to its galactic significance. A small colony of Jin scientists resides there much of the time.
  Of the other planets only one, Drean, is inhabited. Its evolutionary development much younger than that of the Jin, it has a wealth of plant life, fish, birds and reptiles, though nothing mammalian has developed there. It also
  has a galactic preservation order, at time of departure, with a team of wardens who regulate exports for off-world farming of birds and fish from Drean, but no in-bound organic interference is permitted there.
  At the time of the exodus the leader of the Jin was the Godking, but the next hereditary heir to be Kwajah of Gir Makrox - Fosa Shaok - planned the departure and took up the title of Kwajah of The Departed.
  The Jin first left Idremia about 130,000 years ago.
  Historical enemies:
  The Ishvana, and now the GodKing.
  The Jin time system is based on Idremic cycles - the time it takes for Idremia to complete one orbit around Ijzala - which equates almost exactly with three Galactic Standard months - 1/3 of a GS year.
  In each cycle there are fifty-five days - each day being one revolution of the planet - the days split into 25 hours with five segments each, the Idremian day equating to around 1.3 GS days and their hour equating to around 1.25
  GS hours (probably why Jin tend to have an innate sense of not having enough hours in the day, and the hours moving too quickly).
  They do, however, classify 5-year periods as grand-cycles, which is the unit by which they tend to measure longer periods of time, and probably the basis for their quinary numeric system.
  The Idremian numeric system is based on - and o, where - = 1 and o = 5. Lines slashed through the 'o' symbol signify multiples of 5, or an x with no 'o' has come to mean ten. '-'s before an 'o' or an 'x' signify numbers below
  and after they signify above, e.g. -o = 4, o-- = 7, xo- = 16 etc. Larger numbers may be indicated by use of the uppercase X and O, with the ' symbol used to denote a separation of digits. For example, X----'-x'-x'o--'---- would
  translate into 14 9 9 7 4, the full integer translating as 149974.
  Language and Alphabet:
  The common language of Idremia is known as Makroxian Phonemic, though there are hundreds of dialects and languages in use across the planet. All children on the planet are required by law to study Makroxian Phonemic,
  whatever their first language may be, to ensure successful communication throughout. The alphabet is simple and elegant, and comprises of 28 characters, usually ordered as follows in their general approximation to the phonemicc 
  of galactic standard text: I E A Z O Y B C ' S X T R M V Q P L J H D W N K U G - F. The letter - indicates a glottal stop, while ' is used to show a seamless conjunction of sounds with a pseudo-syllable of its own.
  None. We had an advanced redistribution economy, with a strong emphasis on a standardised time-based currency governed in most countries.
  The Jin aboard the Fleet of the Departed observe strict religious structures whilst on board their vessels. This is for the safety and consistency of morale and spiritual wellbeing, and mandated to be imperative to the success
  of the Jin race. They turned to [[[T'rath]]] where the so-called 'god' king had failed them, both for the protection of their ascended kin and as penance for their prior tendency towards agnosticism, atheism and other beliefs
  that are now deemed heresy.
  The Idremian style of architecture depends on the region, but generally quite tall, understated and elegant, with elongated skyscrapers and dark, slick colors like deep purples, dark blue, charcoal, black etc.

Section Z: Why are we Departed?

  On Idremia there was an elite military order. They were the best of the best - at flying,
  martial arts, diplomacy, stealth - and they were selected to be the Kwajah's protectors
  and the protectors of the realm. They were called The A'Kwah-Zhe - The Knights of the
  Shroud. They were legendary in the Ijzala System, trained to act as one organism, all
  masked with flowing black shrouds with a simple cutout to reveal only the deatheye. They
  used a mixture of kith energies and Ir-Vothiam discipline in such a way that they were
  said to be of one soul, and not only to share a soul with one another, but ultimately with
  the Kwajah, and many even believed them to be acting as the extended arms of T'rath. The
  one soul was known simply as Voth - the origin of Ir-Vothiam.
  The order had millennia of renown, many generations of A'Kwah taking up the mantles of
  their parents, to channel and respect Voth. In this way, they were said to be immortal.
  Then, the GodKing happened. At first they worked as they always had, doing his bidding and
  slaughtering thousands with blind faith and trust in their Voth, but this was not to last.
  The GodKing had allied with the Ishvana to seize ultimate power, murdering his own father
  to seize his hereditary right as the only heir in his line to become Kwajah. He then
  created a death religion around himself, perverting the traditional Jin relationship with
  Directed by the Ishvana, the GodKing began to slaughter hundreds of millions of people on
  As you know, we adhere to the belief that death is merely the self piercing the veil
  between this plane of existence and another, and the Ishvana considered that our genocide
  might inform its search into transcendence.
  The genocide darkened the deatheyes of all who survived, leaving those who were left in
  constant pain and grief for their loved ones, whose honorable deaths were snatched away
  from them by this despotic puppet of the Ishvana. Worse yet were the fates of those not gr
  The A'Kwah-Zhe quickly found themselves losing their connection to the new Kwajah, and
  therefore they felt as though Voth itself was falling apart, all because of their 'great'
  A meeting was called in the Badir'zhe in Mimkazex ~accompanied by an image of a minaret-
  type building of dark arches and elongated lines~ in which they had been based for at
  least a thousand years, and they decided it was time to admit that Voth was broken.
  The A'Kwah-Zhe plotted to assassinate the GodKing in his palace, and none were better
  suited to the task, but he was already too strong and they were almost eradicated in the
  attempt. Those who were left included the next heir to the Kwajah, a good and just man
  (who shared a grandfather with the GodKing) named Fosa Shaok, who agreed to take up his
  grandfather's mantle and lead the Jin as the new Kwajah.
  The A'Kwah-Zhe gathered their families and swore an allegiance to one another to keep the
  scraps of the Voth bound between them, in their search across the stars for a new Voth, or
  a new soul to bind the Jin together. And still they remain, chasing Voth, Soulhunters.
  With stealth and courage, we have deemed it necessary to seize the three huge worldships
  constructed to carry the inhabitants of the once over-populated Idremia to new systems en
  masse, along with their fleet of accompanying warships.
  We sadly now use this fleet to flee the Ijzala system, forever.

Section O: The Fleet of The Departed

  -:  Arks (Worldships)
  The world-fleet of the Jin is based around three worldships or 'arks'. Our remaining population split into three to maximize chances of survival. Each worldship has a core environment which will generate a different resource for 
  our people, imports and exports between the arks made on a cyclical basis via shuttle transfer. The captain of each worldship has full training on the running of the other two, to ensure contingency should we suffer a loss.
  Voth-A'Kwah (The Soul Ark)
       Residential Capacity:         ~12million
       Environment:                  Marine
       Voth-A'Kwah is based around an aquatic core to
       produce algae, fish, and other marine materials.
       Crew Focus:                   Eit-Vothiam
       All spiritual balance and wellbeing procedure is
       managed on Voth-A'Kwah, as well as record-keeping
       on all medical, cultural and social issues.
       Captain:            A'Kwah-Zhe Tuzali Shaok, Oss. Kiv.
    Xuon-A'Kwah (The Blood Ark)
       Residential Capacity:         ~11.5million
       Environment:                  Hydroponic Arboretum
       Xuon-A'Kwah is based around a hydroponic arboretum
       core to produce fruit, vegetables, wood, algae,
       game and other materials sourced from the forest.
       Crew Focus:                   Invoth
       All physical wellbeing procedure is managed on
       Xuon-A'Kwah, including staff training, physical
       fitness, food management and healthcare.
       Captain:            A'Kwah-Zhe Fosaik Shaok, Oss. Kiv.
       Athar-A'Kwah (The Fire Ark)
       Residential Capacity:         ~9million
       Environment:                  Farming
       Athar-A'Kwah is based around a farming core with
       pastures for up to 5 million livestock and space
       for arable crops to produce grain and meat as well
       as fuel and gasworks.
       Crew Focus:                   Exvoth
       All external and administrative affairs are
       overseen on Athar-A'Kwah, including the management
       and recording of reconnaissance and research
       undertaken by all vessels. It is also where the
       Kwajah is based, though his three sons and
       hereditary heirs captain the three worldships,
       ensuring the line is as protected as possible.
       Captain:            A'Kwah-Zhe Heshim Shaok, Oss. Kiv.
       Kwajah at time of writing:    Fosa Shaok
  --: Supporting Vessels (Raft Ships)
  Our supporting ships associated with the worldships have come to be known as 'raft' ships, for obvious reasons. We have a wide variety of ships in our supporting fleet, which upon departure are mostly stored on the three
  worldships in our docking bays and on the dreadnaught Gir'eit, apart from our larger warships and cruisers, which will always be deployed to defend our moving world.
       This huge and almost impenetrable warship acts as
       a mobile hangar and dock for the smaller ships of
       the fleet, as well as housing the headquarters of
       our defensive operations and the A'Kwah-Zhe.
       Equipped with our strongest shields and defensive
       weapons, the Li'gon is the first line of defence
       if encountering hostile forces. It is designed to
       hold back enemy fire while we engage the rest of
       the fleet. It flies independently of Gir'eit so as
       to always be on-call.
    Dao'vaya and Dao'fei
       These tank-like ships are not easily maneuverable
       but incredibly strong in terms of both shields and
       weaponry. Built to be crewed by many pilots and
       fighters, these ships are circular in shape,
       meaning that they may change direction and angle
       of attack almost instantly. The captain acts as a
       conductor or director, switching controls to the
       different quadrants as necessary.
    Huo'zha, Lulini and Lamex
       Our formidable battle cruisers. More agile than
       Dao'vaya and Dao'fei these ships are nonetheless
       incredibly strong and work together as a jemhunz
       rounds up plok; the enzhi (twin) ships Lulini and
       Lamex steering enemy ships in formation into the
       ravaging jaws of Huo'zha.
    Muo'voth, Muo'tek, Muo'zhe, Muo'zha and Muo'huo
       We have a range of destroyers, five of each model
       in dock upon Gir'eit at any time, numbering
       twenty-five in total. These warships can be
       piloted by any pilot on the defense squadron, and
       act as supporting ships to the larger and more
       specialist vessels, as well as in protection of
       the worldships and any other business.
  We have four cargo shuttles on each of the worldships which are used to transport Jin and resources between the world-ships on a strict flight-schedule to conserve fuel. There are also three smaller personal shuttles on each
  ark, which must be signed out by the ship's commanding officer or used in case of dire emergency only. In case of full ark evacuation, all available vessels must be used for emergency rescue of key people and resources that will
  enable the continuation of our species*.
  -o: Research/Reconnaisance Ships
  Each homeship has a research department with its own research and reconnaissance vessel installed with lab and storage facilities. These ships are converted from Idremian trade freighters and as such have minimal weaponry and
  larger defensive systems. Their usage is closely monitored by the R&R department and Control Center, and should only be deployed with a military escort ship.
  * See section Y-o 'Emergency Procedures:Ark Evacuation' for full details.

Section Y: Emergency Procedures

  -:  Attack
  Should any of our vessels come under attack, it is the responsibility of every person on
  the vessel to report to the nearest control point with as much detail as possible of the
  incident. Upon logging a report, every control point in every ship will display the report
  text and the command center will respond. If necessary, they will then lock down the
  vessel's security and safety systems and deploy/facilitate defense procedures.
  If the incident has already been reported on the control point, there is no need to file
  a report unless you can supply additional information not covered on the display.
  Once the report is made, you will travel immediately to the nearest muster point, where a
  command officer will register your presence and have responsibility for all further
  instructions and updates on the situation. 
  Trained military personnel must declare their presence to the officer in charge, and may
  be required to assist with any or all duties required, regardless of their status.
  --: Security Breach
  In the event of a security breach, be it a physical invasion or a breach of information
  security, the affected section of the ship will be completely isolated from the rest of
  the vessel until clearance is granted for it to reopen. If you witness or become aware of
  such a breach, it is once again the responsibility of every person on the vessel to report
  to the nearest control point with as much detail as possible of the incident, but in this
  case the report will be transmitted via the encrypted zhe-o'e system so as to minimize any
  civilian unrest or concern.
  ---:Wide-scale sickness
  All illness must be reported to your vessel or section's medics as soon as possible.
  Medics must report any confirmed cases to the Command Center immediately, no matter what
  time or day it may be. If the patient is unable to leave rest quarters, the quarters must
  be quarantined until results are confirmed or negated, a report must be sent and any tests
  necessary must be marked as urgent.
  Contagious disease is a very real threat to our populace due to our close proximity at all
  times and our atmospheric recycling systems, so failure to report could be cataclysmic to
  our race.
  Should a contagious disease break out on any vessel, that vessel will be quarantined for a
  minimum of one Idremic cycle or until all individuals and swabs return negative results.
  -o: Ark Evacuation
  In the event of a major shipwide crisis, any vessel may be evacuated at the command of its
  captain. In the case of smaller ships this is done in communication with the nearest
  worldship, which will send out rescue shuttles to retrieve evacuees.
  However, on a worldship scale it is imperative that this procedure is done efficiently and
  with standard protocol in place to best protect the Jin race.
  You will know that the evacuation protocol has been engaged by the distinctive siren that
  will sound in every location within the ship. This will be accompanied by emergency
  lighting, and a recorded message that will sound, directing you to move to the nearest
  muster point.
  Each muster point is located beside the nearest airlock, and can be found from anywhere in
  the ship by following the arrows on the floor, walls and ceiling, which will become
  illuminated should the procedure be underway.
  Once at the muster point, you are required to register your presence by scanning your hand
  on the control point before activating your own emergency voidsuit.
  If a life-shuttle is present, the officer in charge will assign places based on your
  personal rank within the Protection Heriarchy, and those who are presently the most
  integral to the survival of the Jin race must be given priority at point of rescue. Your
  PHR is non-negotiable.
  * See section A-.
  o:  Resource drought
  Should we face a resource drought, resources will be rationed and assigned at the
  discretion of the Command Center. During times of rationing, any individuals found to be
  hoarding or trading in rationed resources will be subject to disciplinary proceedings.
  Excess resources must be returned to the depot from which they came.

Section B: Journal Pages - A'Kwah-Zhe Runok Shuan

  The Huo'zha is a lovely vessel, flies like a dream. Fit for a Soulhunter. I only hope that
  I may do half as good a job as my father. I wish that I were piloting, though I have taken
  the controls when the captain needs a break. I admit to feeling pangs of homesickness at
  times, though the feeling ebbs and flows, like all in life. The immensity of space outside
  the viewscreens does a small bit to make up for that feeling. As always, my true home was
  always in the stars.
  I am learning to enjoy cooking with such a limited amount of ingredients. I find it a
  challenge. The crew does not appear to enjoy my attempts quite as much as I enjoy making
  them, however.
  I find myself facing anger and thoughts of revenge, directed towards the traitious Godking
  and the Ishvana scum. These feelings are not for a disciplined mind, but I am wary of
  speaking to a doctor about them. There is only one on board Huo'zha, and my mental
  struggles seem to pale in comparison to other issues we are facing. I will channel the
  feelings into something more useful. Rigorous training, sparring... and perhaps a bit of
  cooking with some new ingredients? We found some odd vegetables on Planet X352A. They
  would make a tantalizing stew.
  The crew has decided on a new full-time cook, with the valid excuse that I am spread too
  thin already. Ah, well. I thought the stew was delicious, though the gastrointestinal
  distress was possibly not worth it.
  The new cook has a beautiful smile. We spent many hours speaking of T'rath, philosophy,
  and the future of our race. Even a little bit about our own futures.
  I admit, with some guilt, to feeling a sting of jealousy directed towards those who are
  flying in the Blood Ark. They retain a semblance of our former life that we do not.
  Nevertheless, I am eternally grateful to be trusted to man this beautiful ship. I know it
  is against the rules, but I carved my name somewhere secret, so that I might always
  remain, even after I join T'rath.
  I have lied. My true home was in Ijzala. Curse this endless night.
  We investigated another planet today. Not habitable, not even particularly hospitable, but
  it had the most gorgeous sunset. I spent most of the mission with Nuai. Everything that
  could go wrong did, but we spent most of the time laughing. It is easy around her. The
  sunset was perfect, but I kept looking back at her. Watching her eyes as she enjoyed it
  was better than watching the sunset itself.
  Despite it being against the rules, our science team determined that it would be
  ultimately harmless if I were to secretly keep a flower specimen. I have very tentative
  plans for its later use.
  We found mushrooms on the previously mentioned planet, and though their texture is
  dreadful, they are quite filling when Nuai stuffs them. We are attempting to grow our own
  aboard the ship, though our ability to do this is somewhat lacking. Alas.
  We were set upon by Ishvana forces today. We were able to protect the Ark, thankfully,
  though we lost the Li'gon in the process. We were in the fray of battle, but... they
  appeared to be retreating, making what seemed to be a purposeful crash landing on an
  unidentified planet.
  The captain does not seem to believe, or at least want to speak of, their cowardice. He
  also finds it prudent to continue our journey and leave the Li'gon to whatever fate awaits
  them. I disagree, but I am dutiful and so I will only express my doubts in this journal.
  Nuai's brother was on board. She remains strong, but her eyes are tired.
  If purposeful, may T'rath judge them harshly.
  Whatever the case, perhaps our race will live on there, if this mission fails.
  It feels as if we have been flying forever. I apologize for these entries being so
  sporadic. There is only so much to write about in this overgrown tomb. I could write about
  Nuai, if I could find the words to properly express my feelings.
  I plan on proposing when we have found a new home. The thought of both of those things
  keeps me going. I still have the flower, in stasis.
  The oxygen pumps are having some issues. Everyone is on edge, as repairing the issue is
  not a simple thing, particularly if we have to stop the entire fleet to do so.
  Some of the residents of this new sector have started to notice us. We have not been fired
  upon yet, but I suspect this luck will not last.
  The pumps have been fixed! It required a bit of spacer tape, but it should hold up until
  we are better able to do a full replacement.
  I have been learning the zitar in my spare time. I am no better at it than I am at cooking
  but Nuai likes my singing.
  Nuai is dead.
  There was a ship-wide sickness. It spread through the crew fast and mercilessly. We
  quarantined, but it was too late for many of us. We have airlocked the bodies, as is
  I am the cook again. I made the mushrooms just like she showed me, but they are not the
  The Starmourn sector will be our new home. At least, it will be the home of the remaining
  Jin. I am not certain that I have a home left. Perhaps out in the stars with Nuai.
  There was fighting. There is always fighting. The Ark is damaged, but safe, for now, in a
  place known as Scatterhome. Our allies are strange, but they seem well-meaning. I believe
  our racial lineage will continue, though mine will not.
  I believe I have carried out this mission to the best of my ability.
  End mission log.