A Welcome Guide to Tradeskills

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Hello there!

We're so happy to see you're interested in how the crafting tradeskills work for Starmourn.

Once your character reaches MIL 10, you're welcome to select any one trade skill to take on for free! After the first one you select, each subsequent tradeskill will cost you an additional 200 credits to unlock. Starmourn is a 100% Free to Play game, with no capacity to purchase premium currency - you can accumulate credits via the DAILYCREDITS system, which rewards participation in the game (especially consistent participation).

You can do this via the TRADESKILL syntax; TRADESKILL SELECT <choice>

There are many different 'patterns' in Starmourn, which are types of items that players can create and customise through the DESIGN system.

Each tradeskill is a skill that requires training to unlock its full potential - you can LEARN # LESSONS FROM <tutor> to progress through the ranks of your skill, gaining access to new patterns as you go. We've listed all the patterns available in each trade, along with the lesson investment for each and plenty of other helpful notes in the table below.

Tradeskill Resource Page
Fashion OOC Fabrics

Having selected a tradeskill, you'll gain access to the DESIGN syntax. Be aware - submitting a design for approval (a necessary step before you're able to craft it!) will cost 5000 marks.

By using DESIGN NEW <pattern ID> you'll create a new blank design record for the item you've chosen. While using the noun of the item you're after will work some of the time, it's more reliable to use the exact pattern number, which can be found either in the table above, or in-game using DESIGN TYPES <tradeskill>.

You create design #5076 for a shortcake.

Now that you have the design number (5076 in this example), you can DESIGN SHOW 5076 to view the blank record. Here, we can see a variety of fields, which we'll interact with using DESIGN SET # <field> <text> . Most designs will require similar fields;

  • APPEARANCE - a very short description used to reference the item - Marra hands <appearance> to Argus.
  • DROPPED - how the item looks when left in the room - A stale shortcake has been left here.
  • EXAMINED - the extended description of the item when examined - This should be at least a sentence or two describing the item in detail. Starmourn trends towards brevity compared to other IREs, but follow your heart - we have a Review system for a reason!
  • PLURAL - how the game should refer to more than one of these - Assume this line starts with a number (16 stale shortcakes, 2 fresh fish, 5 "Jungle Flowers" promotional holoposters)

Other trades might have additional fields;


  • EAT_FIRST - the message you see when you eat the food - You eat the shortcake and it is really yum even though it is stale.
  • EAT_THIRD - the message someone else sees when you eat the food - Marra eat a stale shortcake, and doesn't even notice a little pocket lint stuck to one side.
  • TASTE - a short message given to someone who is tasting the food - By default, this line starts with the appearance of the food (X tastes like sour milk)
  • SMELL - a short message given to someone who is smelling the food - By default, this line starts with the appearance of the food (X smells well past its expiration date)


  • DRINK_FIRST - the message you see when you drink the drink - Muddled citrus seeps into good vodka, making every sip of this cocktail taste like a party.
  • DRINK_THIRD - the message someone else sees when you drink the drink - Marra swirls some vodka through muddled citrus as she sips on a cocktail.
  • TASTE - a short message given to someone who is tasting the drink - By default, this line starts with the appearance of the drink (X tastes like fruity and alcoholic)
  • SMELL - a short message given to someone who is smelling the drink - By default, this line starts with the appearance of the food (X smells so strongly of citrus, it's like snorting orange juice.)


  • WEAR_FIRST - the message you see when you wear the item - You tug on some blue pants, one leg at a time.
  • WEAR_THIRD - the message someone else sees when you wear the item - Marra tugs on some blue pants, one leg at a time.
  • REMOVE_FIRST - the message you see when you remove the worn item - With a flurry of buttons and zips, you shuck off some blue pants.
  • REMOVE_THIRD - the message someone else sees when you remove the item - After struggling with its buttons, Marra shucks off some blue pants.

Art/Furnishing (depending on the pattern)

  • OPEN_FIRST - the message you see when you open the item - With some effort, you yank the drawer of the desk open.
  • OPEN_THIRD - the message someone else sees when you open the item - With some effort, Marra yanks the drawer of the desk open.
  • CLOSE_FIRST - the message you see when you close the item - With a satisfying click, you snap your yellow briefcase shut.
  • CLOSE_THIRD - the message someone else sees when you close the item - Marra snaps her briefcase shut with a satisfying click.
  • PUT_INSIDE_FIRST - the message you see when you put something inside the item - You delicately place a stale shortcake inside a funerary urn, interring it for later use.
  • PUT_INSIDE_THIRD - the message someone else sees when you put something inside the item - With tremendous care, Marra places a stale shortcake inside a funerary urn.
  • SIT_FIRST - the message you see when you sit on the item - You crouch down to take a seat on a tiny pink stool.
  • SIT_THIRD - the message someone else sees when you sit on the item - Marra crouches down to take a seat on a tiny pink stool.
  • STAND_FIRST - the message you see when you stand up from being seated on the item - Slapping your knees, you rise from a tiny pink stool.
  • STAND_THIRD - the message someone else sees when you sit on the item - Slapping her knees, Marra rises from a tiny pink stool.

Design #5076
Status Unsubmitted Type Shortcake Designation Private
Pattern 159
Plural creamy shortcakes
Value 2
Calories 385

Using DESIGN # SET <field>, we'll fill in all the fields listed above. Once we've set all of the fields the way we want the item to use, we DESIGN SUBMIT #. Remember, this costs 5000 marks.

While the design is under review, it will appear on your DESIGN LIST as 'SUBMITTED'. During this time, the volunteer admin team might make slight changes to your design to resolve typos; you'll receive a message listing the changes if this is the case, which you can accept with DESIGN ACCEPT #, or make edits to the design as normal. If the volunteers feel that more drastic changes are necessary, the design will be rejected and you'll receive a message with the reasoning for the rejection - please feel free to resubmit as soon as you've resolved the problem!

Once your design is approved, you can view your DESIGN LIST to see your designs, DESIGN SHOW # to view the design.

DESIGN CRAFT # to make your own customised design a reality! A Mixologist will need some form of brewing container for this - typically a still or a mixology laboratory.