Utilizing their trusty PIECE, Scoundrels perform a variety of showy and deadly shots and reload combos, ensuring that the pain never stops for those who get in their way.

The Gunslinging skill breaks down into five groups: Pistolcraft; Smart Ammo; Reloading; Trick Shots; and Stances.


Crackshot - Fire off your PIECE.

Skill Gunslinging
Group Pistolcraft
Required Lessons 5
Type In-room ranged attack
Base Balance Time 2.50 seconds
Cooldown None
Resources 1 bullet
Fire your PIECE at the target. The effects of this shot vary based on the smart ammo type you have selected. When all of your bullets are spent, you can combine your reload action with many devastating effects that you will learn as you advance in your class skills.
Command gun crackshot <target>
Appearance A <PIECE> kicks in your grip and an explosive noise cracks the air as you fire a shot at <TARGET>.

Detonate - Fire at an IED, triggering it.

Skill Gunslinging
Group Pistolcraft
Required Lessons 146
Type Room attack
Base Balance Time 3.00 seconds
Cooldown None
Resources 1 bullet
Send a bullet into a primed IED in the room, causing it to detonate.
Command gun detonate <ied>
Appearance None

Pointblank - A concussive, point-blank shot.

Skill Gunslinging
Group Pistolcraft
Required Lessons 186
Type Melee attack (Interrupt)
Base Balance Time 3.00 seconds
Cooldown None
Resources 1 bullet
Ram your PIECE to their head, unleashing a massive concussive blast as you pull the trigger. This will interrupt any actions the target may be performing at the time of the attack.
Command gun pointblank <target>
Appearance None

Rapidfire - Why fire once, when you can fire twice?

Skill Gunslinging
Group Pistolcraft
Required Lessons 261
Type In-room ranged attack
Base Balance Time 3.50 seconds
Cooldown 8.00 seconds
Resources 2 bullets
Fire your blaster pistol twice in quick succession, burning through your ammo and afflicting your target twice with your current smart ammo selection. This effect generates a reasonable amount of heat in your blaster, so can only be performed once every 8 seconds.
Command gun rapidfire <target>
Appearance None

Ironsights - Aim down your iron sights.

Outgunned - Take them all down.

Smart Ammo

Regular - Armour-piercing ammunition.

Ammoselect - Rapidly switch ammunition effects.

Impairing - Mentally-impairing bullet tips.

Combusting - Incendiary ammunition cores.

Disrupting - Bullet tips that damage the senses.

Arcing - Bullets fitted with mini EMP cores.

Weakening - Ammunition tips that weakens the body.

Infusing - Ammo tips with slow-release effects.

Amplifying - Damage-increasing ammo tips.


Quickload - Reload your pistol in the heat of battle.

Backflip - Shoot your last bullet and escape with style.

Spin - Reload quickly and prepare for your next shot.

Shellspill - Roll your spent shells on the floor.

Eject - Throw away an unspent magazine.

Trick Shots

Gauge - Shoot while moving between cover.

Cavein - Bring down the roof.

Ambush - Shoot first, always.

Unload - Fire off all of your ammo in rapid succession.


Vigilant - Fire upon enemies who draw near.

Bulletguard - Take out incoming projectiles.

Overwatch - Return fire on your foes.