Handy RL Flavor Analogues

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* * * This page is an OOC reference guide * * *

For those of a culinary persuasion, or if you just like to eat and want to know a bit more about the flavors involved. This list will give you some examples of canonical foods and their real-life equivalents.

This list is by no means exhaustive, and can be added to. Be sure to message a storyteller in-game if you have an idea for a type of ingredient, or something you'd like an analog for!

Please also note! - None of these analogues are exactly the same as their real-life counterpart. So be sure to check their info before referencing how they look. Some of the colors, backgrounds or descriptions are VERY different to their RL equivalent!

OOC/IC Analogues


Apple - Corifrut (Yes... that's 'frut', not 'fruit!')
Cherry/Dragonfruit - Cherifruit
Coconut - Vorstenoot
Grapes - Krellian Grapes
Peach - Rosefruit
Pear - Arabelles
Pineapple - Pippalap
Plum/Apricot/Blueberry - Bluepricot


- Black Reaper Pepper - Super hot
- Dahliano - Jalapeno
Clover - Moogle
Cucumber - Gurkin
Eggplant/aubergine - Lim-fruit
Onion - Allion
Parsnip - Garzarut
Potato - Tuber
Pumpkin - Pikato
Tomato - Pomero
Watermelon - Pakwa melon

Herbs and Spices

Bay leaf - Fayleaf
Red salt - Danalian Redsalt
Wintergreen/Menthol/Mint - Evergreen

Meat and Fish

Beef - Zhubeast
Calamari/Squid - Tentacle
Insect meat - Rockhopper
Pork - Springer
Vegan meat - Hypermeat

Nuts and Seeds

Peanuts/macadamias/hazelnuts - Taunuts
??? - Flint Nuts

Soft Drinks

- Izugima
- Lapteth
Coffee - Karaffee
Instant Coffee/Tea/Hot drink - Synkaf


Tequila - Teqzal


Cannabis - Leesa
Honey - Vuu honey
Pizza - Zippa
Sushi - Sashtar
Zoodles/Courgetti/spiralized vegetable noodles - Loodles

OOC/IC Parallels

There are also some things that do exist in-game with the same names that we use:

Herbs and Spices

Cinnamon - Golpur Cinnamon

Dairy and Eggs

Dairy products:
Can be vat-grown or made from animal dairy, usually made from zhubeast (cow analog) or akbaz (goat/reindeer analog) milk.
- Cheese
- Cream
- Milk
Eggs - Obviously different animals, but reptile and bird eggs would be common foods wherever those exist.





Soft Drinks

Cola (Volt Cola) Tea:
- Black tea
- Fruit/herbal teas
- Green tea
- Moh tea

(More TBA to all of this!)