Here are some slang words or phrases that are used in Starmourn, sometimes in place of words, such as common profanity.
kithlicker - Used as a derogatory term by those who dislike the use of kith.
daka - excrement. E.g. "You are so full of zhudaka!" or "You dakahead!"
ventrat - Vermin that take refuge in vents and ducts. A low, despicable form of life. Substitute for 'asshole.'
spacedust - A mildly insulting term for someone without much experience or power.
flakk - A generic expression akin to 'fuck.' "Flakk you", "Flakking Bushraki", etc.
trepling - A trepling is a small insect that has spread to many planets via infesting cargo. It's like a mosquito - disliked by all. Used as we use 'bitch.'
void - An adjective combined with various words to form insults. Voidsucker, voidhead, voidface, and so on.