Difference between revisions of "Guile"

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2,018 bytes added ,  18:32, 15 July 2020
(11 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|description=Combine your reloading with a quick blast of your jetpack's thrusters, sending a cloud of dust and grit to blast any foes in the room who are not taking cover.
|description=Combine your reloading with a quick blast of your jetpack's thrusters, sending a cloud of dust and grit to blast any foes in the room who are not taking cover.
|command=<code>GUILE GRITBLAST</code>
|command=<code>GUILE GRITBLAST</code>
|appearance=You fire the thrusters on your jetpack, dust and grit flying up in an obscuring cloud. In the confusion, you pop the clip of your piece, ramming a new line of bullets home into the chamber.

== Brawling ==
== Brawling ==
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|description=Brawling is an artform, and the prize piece in the collection is the haymaker. A wild, powerful punch that will knock the stuffing out of any foe. The more afflictions on your target, the more damage they will take.
|description=Brawling is an artform, and the prize piece in the collection is the haymaker. A wild, powerful punch that will knock the stuffing out of any foe. The more afflictions on your target, the more damage they will take.
|command=<code>GUILE HAYMAKER <TARGET></code>
|command=<code>GUILE HAYMAKER <TARGET></code>
|appearance=Swinging wildly with all your might, you land a mighty punch on <TARGET>.

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|description=Ankle tap your target, sending them sprawling to the ground. Whistle and innocent look optional.
|description=Ankle tap your target, sending them sprawling to the ground. Whistle and innocent look optional.
|command=<code>GUILE TRIP <TARGET></code>
|command=<code>GUILE TRIP <TARGET></code>
|appearance=Neatly hooking your ankle behind <TARGET>'s, you trip him in a shamelessly dirty move, tossing him onto his back.
<TARGET> falls to the ground!

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|description=Tie up a prone opponent like a prize hog. The higher the internal subsystem damage suffered by your foe, the longer it will take them to escape.
|description=Tie up a prone opponent like a prize hog. The higher the internal subsystem damage suffered by your foe, the longer it will take them to escape.
|command=<code>GUILE BIND <TARGET></code>
|command=<code>GUILE BIND <TARGET></code>
|appearance=Using nanoplastic zipties you always keep handy, you swiftly bind <TARGET>'s hands and feet.
Looks like <TARGET> will be able to wriggle out of that bind in 4 seconds.

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|description=Climb on top of a bound foe and repeatedly bash them in the face with your fists every second. Once started, you will be able to continue even if they manage to free themselves. This is a channeled attack and may be interrupted by performing other actions, or the actions of others.
|description=Climb on top of a bound foe and repeatedly bash them in the face with your fists every second. Once started, you will be able to continue even if they manage to free themselves. This is a channeled attack and may be interrupted by performing other actions, or the actions of others.
|command=<code>GUILE PUMMEL <TARGET></code>
|command=<code>GUILE PUMMEL <TARGET></code>
|appearance=Leaping on top of <TARGET>, you extend your arm back, preparing to land a solid punch... or fifteen. With punch after punch, you pummel <TARGET> relentlessly, battering it with painful, repeated impacts.

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|description=Grab someone by the back of their head and slam them into a chosen prop, dealing damage and disorienting them. If the prop has an IED concealed in it, the force of the impact will detonate the IED.
|description=Grab someone by the back of their head and slam them into a chosen prop, dealing damage and disorienting them. If the prop has an IED concealed in it, the force of the impact will detonate the IED.
|command=<code>GUILE FACESMASH <TARGET> <PROP></code>
|command=<code>GUILE FACESMASH <TARGET> <PROP></code>
|appearance=You rush up to <TARGET> and grab the back of his head in your hands. Before he can react, you ram him face-first into <PROP>. A hidden IED on <PROP> is triggered by the force of the impact.
<IED> explodes!

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|description=Pull a line from up your sleeve, and begin to choke the life from your foe. While strangling your foe, they'll take damage every three seconds, with that damage being increased if your target is prone, and by the amount of subsystem damage they have. This is a channelled attack and may be interrupted by performing other actions, or the actions of others.
|description=Pull a line from up your sleeve, and begin to choke the life from your foe. While strangling your foe, they'll take damage every three seconds, with that damage being increased if your target is prone, and by the amount of subsystem damage they have. This is a channelled attack and may be interrupted by performing other actions, or the actions of others.
|command=<code>GUILE STRANGLE <TARGET></code>
|command=<code>GUILE STRANGLE <TARGET></code>
|appearance=Lunging at <TARGET>, you catch him by the throat and begin to choke him.

== Underbelly Tricks ==
== Underbelly Tricks ==
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|description=Prevent normal passage in a specific direction, whether it's to extort some Marks out of some chump or to set them up for a suckerpunch, this'll do the job. Use UNBAR to stop barring.
|description=Prevent normal passage in a specific direction, whether it's to extort some Marks out of some chump or to set them up for a suckerpunch, this'll do the job. Use UNBAR to stop barring.
|command=<code>GUILE BAR <DIRECTION></code>
|command=<code>GUILE BAR <DIRECTION></code>
|appearance=You inch closer to the <DIRECTION> exit, preparing to stop anyone seeking to pass.

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|description=Scrounging around, you're able to find something that will be able to be used as cover, should nothing else be available. You can only do this once every 20 seconds.
|description=Scrounging around, you're able to find something that will be able to be used as cover, should nothing else be available. You can only do this once every 20 seconds.
|command=<code>GUILE IMPROVISEDCOVER</code>
|command=<code>GUILE IMPROVISEDCOVER</code>
|appearance=You search the location thoroughly, and manage to find <PROP>!

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|description=Cover only lasts so long, so you're adept at getting out of harm's way by rolling to a new safe position.
|description=Cover only lasts so long, so you're adept at getting out of harm's way by rolling to a new safe position.
|command=<code>GUILE SHOULDERROLL <PROP></code>
|command=<code>GUILE SHOULDERROLL <PROP></code>
|appearance=With supreme agility, you execute a perfect rolling maneuver, emerging from behind <PROP> and diving straight behind <PROP>.
Diving into a roll across the ground, you fire off a shot at <TARGET> as you come out of cover, sparks flying from the barrel of <PIECE>.

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|description=You're a silver-tongued devil, you can whip the crowd around you into a frenzy, reducing the balance cost of their actions by 15% for 30 seconds. Keep in mind that not everyone might be convinced by your rallying.
|description=You're a silver-tongued devil, you can whip the crowd around you into a frenzy, reducing the balance cost of their actions by 15% for 30 seconds. Keep in mind that not everyone might be convinced by your rallying.
|command=<code>GUILE ROUSE</code>
|command=<code>GUILE ROUSE</code>
|appearance=Calling upon your natural charisma and charm, you encourage your allies with a rousing speech, convincing everyone who listens to you of your belief in their speed, strength, and cunning.

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|description=You know a guy who owes you a favor or two, so you can call him in to blast the hell out of your area with his ship. This is a channeled action, and will call down a rain of destruction in 5 seconds and strike anyone who is not behind cover.
|description=You know a guy who owes you a favor or two, so you can call him in to blast the hell out of your area with his ship. This is a channeled action, and will call down a rain of destruction in 5 seconds and strike anyone who is not behind cover.
|command=<code>GUILE AIRSTRIKE</code>
|command=<code>GUILE AIRSTRIKE</code>
|appearance=Reaching out to your network of allies, you're able to extract a favor from a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend who happens to be piloting an electrolaser targetting rig from near orbit. Moments later, a red crosshair appears on the ground, zeroing in on your location.
The stench of ozone fills the room as a particle beam slashes through the atmosphere to strike your location.

== Surveillance ==
== Surveillance ==


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