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Echanine, the warrior goddess of the Nusriza people, whose worship has fallen out of favor with most of the race's leadership, has by tradition seven foes who she confronts on a regular basis. These still factor heavily into Nusriza storytelling, with young children being especially fond of stories about them.

Coldwisp - A creature of mist and shadow, Coldwisp represents the things that go bump in the night, the flicker of movement out of the corner of your eye, and the chilly, stifling fog that blankets Frixion VI below the spire cities.

The Masked Judge - The Masked Judge is a ruthless, humorless figure in most stories, and is nearly as powerful as Echanine herself, but his inflexible adherence to his warped inner code is always his downfall.

The Apostate Legion - Less a singular enemy than a vast opposing force, the Apostate Legion is said to have rebelled against Echanine eons ago, and formed an army with which to fight her. Naturally, they do not succeed in overthrowing her in most stories, though tales of a triumphant Legion are becoming more popular with the steadily growing agnostic subset of the population.

The Beast of Low Horizons - The Beast is everything that is bloodthirsty and monstrous. A creature of claws and teeth, gravity and muscle, it is the anti-sky, the thing that chases, a savage and primal thing to be overcome and defeated by order, by higher thought, by intelligence and sapience.

Ariadne and Itaso: The Sunfallen Twins - More mischievous than malicious, these twin tricksters often get the better of Echanine in stories. Some say they are her younger siblings or cousins, but this proposal has caused a great deal of religious argument among devout worshippers.

Silence - Considered one of Echanine's more tragic foes, stories featuring the lovely Silence are rare, and are often ones of solitude and loneliness. Silence cannot speak, and lost her hands fighting at Echanine's side, henceforth turning against who she once was most loyal to.